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[Solved] SOC301 Quiz 2 Solution

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This post topic provides a soc301 quiz 2 solution that helps you to prepare for your online test and it will also be beneficial in your exam paper preparation.


SOC301 Quiz 2 Solved



1) Which of the following is NOT included when defining research

  1. Scientific inquiry
  2. Objective thinking
  3. Common sense
  4. Systematic inquiry


2) It is more difficult to determine the validity and reliability of linguistic data because of the terms, jargons and frequency in:

  1. Qualitative research
  2. Conceptual research
  3. Theoretical research
  4. Quantitative research


3) “Research must be shared with others as public property; it should be reviewed by other researches” indicates which of the following scientific community norm

  1. Communalism
  2. Universalism
  3. Disinterestedness
  4. Organized skepticism


4) Social Welfare is an overall term that signifies a state of total well-being of the:

  1. Individual
  2. Family
  3. Community
  4. Person


5) In _________ culture of the community must be understood as much as it influences the way needs are expressed

  1. Social work
  2. Family betterment
  3. Personal enhancement
  4. Personal agenda


6) Using a checklist to record what you have found shows that you have an idea about what will be found. this indicates:

  1. Semi-Structured observation
  2. Unstructured observation
  3. Uncontrolled observation
  4. Structured observation


7) System of interconnected logical ideas that organizes the knowledge about the social world and explains how it works is known as:

  1. Philosophy
  2. Social theory
  3. Psychological theory
  4. Scientific theory


8) Which of the following research method allows to study people in their ‘natural setting’ without their behavior being influenced by the presence of a researcher

  1. Focus group discussion
  2. Observation
  3. Surveys
  4. In-depth interviews


9) Which of the following encompasses the entire research process; philosophical assumption. ethical principles, socio-organizational context and political impact of new knowledge

  1. Concept
  2. Methodology
  3. Theory
  4. Method


10) All the following are sources of knowledge EXCEPT:

  1. Personal experience and common sense
  2. Educational institutes
  3. Expert an authority
  4. Ideological beliefs and values


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