
MCM301 Quiz 2 Solut...
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MCM301 Quiz 2 Solution

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MCM301 Quiz 2 Solved


1) While you plan to make a good speech, you must be engaged in which of the following

  1. Results
  2. Self-centered approach
  3. Theme or idea of the subject
  4. Audience-centered approach


2) All of the following are the purposes of introduction except:

  1. Introducing your thesis
  2. Avoid to the audience
  3. Getting the audience’s attention
  4. Establishing your rapport or credibility with the audience


3) Poor retention either on the part of the sender or on the part of the receiver can create problems or lead to ______

  1. Generosity
  2. Misunderstanding
  3. Hatred
  4. Understanding


4) All of the following are correct about magazines except:

  1. Magazine articles tend to be shorter and more general
  2. Magazine publishes articles written for a general audience
  3. Articles in magazines usually include bibliographies
  4. Magazine is a type of periodical.


5) Which of the following is not the type of electronic periodical indexes>

  1. CD-ROM
  2. World Wide Web
  3. Journals
  4. Online Systems


6) Broadly classifying the barriers, select how many kinds of communication barriers exist>

  1. Five
  2. More than seven
  3. Four
  4. Three


7) Which phrase shows the key rule to make a good speech>

  1. To keep in mind that idea that is presented in speech.
  2. To avoid the audience’s choice and most about things that directly affects them.
  3. To keep in mind that audiences care most about things that directly affect them.
  4. Centering on the sell.


8) All of the following you may want to carry, while doing your research except one. Which one is>

  1. Note-cards
  2. Bibliography
  3. Information-recording
  4. Video-games


9) The entire following are the main points that are kept in mind while developing thesis, EXCEPT:

  1. Clear
  2. Logical
  3. Ambiguity
  4. Equal in value


10) In general, there are ________ of newspaper indexes:

  1. Many kinds
  2. Two kinds
  3. Three kinds
  4. None of the given options


11) __________ can also seriously impede the transmission of ideas.

  1. Acceptance
  2. Prejudice
  3. Broadsides
  4. Tolerance


12) How many general parts a basic speech must have>

  1. Five
  2. Six
  3. Three
  4. Four


13) All of the following are the barriers to communication, EXCEPT:

  1. Conflicting information
  2. Language differences
  3. Over communication
  4. Composing message at proper level


14) Conflicting information develops:

  1. Mental turbulence
  2. Good understanding
  3. Psychological disorders
  4. Sharp thinking


15) In order to listen more effectively, you should:

  1. Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues
  2. Minimize distractions
  3. Talk less
  4. All of the given options


16) It is always easier to communicate at the ___________

  1. Differing status
  2. Peer level
  3. Different class
  4. Different position


17) Thesis statement is a __________ of your speech.

  1. Core idea or bottom line
  2. Indirect statement
  3. Body
  4. End of the speech


18) _______ is a process which demands that full attention be paid to the spoken material.

  1. Speaking
  2. Dialogue
  3. Listening
  4. Hearing


19) All of the following are types of periodicals except:

  1. Magazines
  2. Journals
  3. Note-cards
  4. Newspaper


20) When centering on the audience, you start by finding ________that enable you to identify with them.

  1. Extraordinary character
  2. Rare traits
  3. Common traits
  4. Unusual


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