
ECO601 Quiz 2 Solve...
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ECO601 Quiz 2 Solved

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1) Which command you type to get frequency table of price and length of automobiles data stored in memory of Stata

  1. tabl price.length
  2. Tabl price.length
  3. tabl price length
  4. Tabl price length


2) Variables name in Stata can start from:

  1. Both alphabets and characters
  2. Alphabets
  3. None of the given options
  4. Characters


3) A shortcut for a specific command is represented by:

  1. Capital letter
  2. Underlined part in the syntax
  3. None of the given options
  4. Syntax


4) Suppose you need a data file which is available in memory of Stata. What command would you use to open this file

  1. Sysuse auto
  2. Sys auto
  3. auto
  4. sysuse auto


5) Which of the following best describes total cost function

  1. Coefficient of the quadratic term will be negative and cubic term coefficient should be non-zero
  2. Coefficient of the quadratic term will be positive and cubic term coefficient should be non-zero
  3. All of the given options are correct
  4. Coefficient of the quadratic term will be minus and cubic term coefficient should be non-zero


6) Which of the following commands in Stata will provide information about variables names, their labels and storage type

  1. List command
  2. None of the given options
  3. Describe command
  4. sysuse auto command


7) All of the following are consequences of Multicollinearity EXCEPT:

  1. Standard error is large
  2. Variances of the coefficients are large
  3. t-values are high
  4. R square is high


8) Data of single Entity for different time periods is known as:

  1. Cross sectional data
  2. Time series data
  3. Pool data
  4. Panel data


9) Inflation rate may depend on money supply and exchange rate of a country. Which one of the following options best describes it

  1. Simple regression
  2. None of the given options
  3. Simple regression and Multi regression
  4. Multi regression
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