
ECO501 Quiz 2 Solut...
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[Solved] ECO501 Quiz 2 Solution

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1) The phenomenon of worker separation from employer are called.

  1. Inflation
  2. Labor turnover
  3. Stagflation
  4. Full employment


2) A large majority of the world’s poor are:

  1. Bankers
  2. Farmers
  3. Doctors
  4. Engineers


3) Agglomeration effects associated with the general growth of a concentrated geographic region is known as:

  1. Economics of scale
  2. Diseconomies of scale
  3. Localization economies
  4. Urbanization economies


4) Urban modern sector employers pay higher wages to reduce:

  1. Stagflation
  2. Full employments
  3. Labor turnover
  4. Inflation


5) The probability of obtaining an urban job is directly related to the:

  1. Urban employment rate
  2. Rural unemployment rate
  3. Urban employment rate
  4. Rural employment rate


6) Poverty itself prevents farmers from taking advantage of opportunities that could help pull them out of poverty. Which of the following are the main reasons for this

  1. Lacking credit
  2. Lacking health and nutrition
  3. Lack of information and missing markets
  4. All of the given options


7) The proprietor of a free hold interest in land with rights to lease out to tenants in return for some form of compensation for the use of the land is called:

  1. Businessman
  2. Entrepreneur
  3. Tenant farmer
  4. Landlord


8) A tenant farmer whose crop has to be shared with the landlord, as the basis for the rental contract is called:

  1. Landlord
  2. Tenant farmer
  3. Entrepreneur
  4. Sharecropper


9) One who farms on land held by a landlord and therefore lacks ownership rights and has to pay for the use of that land, for example, by giving a share of output to the owner is called:

  1. Landlord
  2. Entrepreneur
  3. Sharecropper
  4. Tenant farmer


10) The Economic development of Western Europe and the United States was closely associated with the movement of labor from:

  1. Urban areas to abroad
  2. Rural to urban areas
  3. Urban to rural areas
  4. Industrial to agriculture sector


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