
CS607 Quiz 2 Soluti...
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CS607 Quiz 2 Solution

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1) R1/XCON expert system was developed by

  1. Digital Computer Corporation
  2. Computer accessories company
  3. Digital Equipment Corporation
  4. DELL


2) Where do the values of the alpha -beta search get updated

  1. Along the path of search
  2. All the beginning
  3. At the end
  4. Initial state itself


3) If you know that alpha implies beta, and you know alpha to be true, you can automatically say that beta is true

  1. And-Elimination
  2. And-Introduction
  3. Modus ponens
  4. Modus tolan’s


4) Psychological experiments deal with the study of _________

  1. Study of the mind
  2. Introspection
  3. Science of mental life
  4. Science of human body life


5) In intelligence to solve the trivial problems we use _________ approach

  1. hit and trial
  2. trial and error
  3. dynamic programming
  4. divide and conquer


6) the traveling inside a solution space requires something called as _______

  1. Operators
  2. Inner solution
  3. Operands
  4. Space solution


7) In genetic algorithm, we produce the next generation from the _________

  1. Inheritance and mutation
  2. Crossover
  3. Genes and inheritance
  4. Mutation and genes


8) In _______ search, rather than trying all possible search paths, we focus on paths that seem to be getting closer to goal state using some kind of “guide”.

  1. Uninformed
  2. Heuristic
  3. Progressive depending
  4. Depth first


9) A statement in a conjunctive normal form (CNF) consists of _______

  1. Or’s
  2. Or’s and ANDs
  3. ANDs of Or’s
  4. ANDs


10) Which of the following disciplines provides us with the theories of structure and meaning of language.

  1. Philosophy
  2. Psychology
  3. Linguistic
  4. Biology


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