
CS605 Quiz 2 Soluti...
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CS605 Quiz 2 Solution

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1) If we plot a graph between defects reported, and defects fixed then.

  1. This graph will show that some requirements are ambiguous
  2. Differences between defects reported and fixed will show the defects yet to be fixed
  3. This graph will show that the defect detection process is not accurate
  4. We cannot draw any information from that graph


2) Defects per function points is a _________

  1. Quality attribute
  2. Process
  3. Measure
  4. Metric


3) ___________ technique was initially developed for manufacturing processes in the 1920’s by Walter Shewart

  1. Quality
  2. CMP
  3. Upper Control Line
  4. Control Chart


4) Metrices to assess the quality of the analysis models and the corresponding software specification were proposed by ______

  1. Davis in 1993
  2. In 1993-1999
  3. Davis in 1990
  4. Ricado in 1993


5) Which of the following is a Software Metric

  1. of function points
  2. Defects per function point
  3. of defects
  4. Lines of Code


6) A _________ provides a quantities value of some attribute of a process or a product.

  1. Plan
  2. Metric
  3. Functional point
  4. Measure


7) ____________ can be uncovered after careful evaluation and analysis whereas _________ cannot be identified

  1. Unpredictable risks, Predictable risks
  2. Predictable risks, Unpredictable risks
  3. Predictable risks, technical risks
  4. Unpredictable risks, Business risks


8) _______________ is the measure of how many defects are removed by the quality assurance processes before the product is shipped for operation

  1. Bug Tracking Algorithm
  2. Removal Deficiency
  3. Bug Report
  4. Defect removal efficiency


9) Which of the following is not a software metric

  1. of test cases per function point
  2. Defects per function point
  3. of errors per thousand lines of code
  4. of defects


10) Software __________ relates individual software measures to provide a normalized view.

  1. Attribute
  2. Metric
  3. Plan
  4. Measure
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