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[Solved] CS604 Quiz 2 Solution

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1) In round-robin (RR) scheduling algorithm, in case the time quantum is very large (infinite), the RR policy remains the same as the _____ policy.

  1. LIFO (Last in First Out)
  2. FCFS (First Come First Server)
  3. SRTF (Shortest Remaining Time First)
  4. SJF (Shorted Job First)


2) Processes P1, P2, P3 having burst times P1=3, P2=4, P3=3 and turnaround times P1=7, P2=10, P3=9 enter the ready queue at T=0. With RR scheduling, waiting time for process P2 would be ________

  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 0
  4. 4


3) You can use the BG command to put the current or a suspended process into the background. What is the correct syntax of BG command from the following________.

  1. BG[%job_id]
  2. BG [id#]
  3. BG [job#]
  4. BG [%id]


4) When processes are generated using fork () system call and then after that they are coordinated with each other using IPC channel. They are utilizing a separate address space for each of process (parent, child), kernel resources and IPC channel. This makes it a heavier. Which strategy can be used to make it light

  1. Use of Batch systems
  2. Termination of child process when these become more
  3. Scheduling of each process
  4. Use of threads


5) ___________ scheduling can be made into a processor sharing approach

  1. Round Robin
  2. Shortest Job First
  3. First Come First Server
  4. Shortest Remaining Time


6) UNIX System V scheduling queues, which run ____________ algorithm

  1. First come First Server
  2. Round Robin
  3. Shortest Remaining Time First
  4. Shortest Job first


7) You can have a thread wait for another thread with in the same process by using the __________ system call.

  1. Pthread_join ()
  2. Create_thread ()
  3. Pthread_create
  4. Pthread_exit ()


8) ___________ scheduling algorithm is sometimes called shortest remaining time first scheduling algorithm

  1. Priority Scheduling
  2. Preemptive Shortest Job First
  3. FCFS
  4. Non-Preemptive SJF


9) The Kernel is ___________ user threads

  1. Aware of
  2. Unaware of
  3. A part of
  4. The creator of


10) When a process P1 switches from the running state to the waiting state because an I/O request is being completed. This scheduling is called ___________.

  1. Preemptive
  2. Termination
  3. Switching
  4. Non-Preemptive


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