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[Solved] CS603 Quiz 2 Solved

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1) According to “Jacobson’s Heuristic” Policy should not be placed ________ involved in the policy decision.

  1. Outside of classes
  2. Outside the interfaces
  3. Inside of classes
  4. Inside of domain


2) in programming, the __________ is a way to decouple software modules.

  1. Digression Inversion Principle
  2. Interface Segregation Principle
  3. Both Interface Segregation and Dependency Inversion Principle
  4. Dependency Inversion Principle


3) Design pattern ________ is the abstract description of design problems and how the pattern solves it.

  1. Element
  2. Problem
  3. Name
  4. Solution


4) Law of Demeter essence is the ____________.

  1. Principle of least Knowledge
  2. Principle of most knowledge
  3. Principle of record knowledge
  4. Principle of top knowledge


5) New features can be easily added to a system without changing an existing implementation.

  1. Dependency Inversion Principle
  2. Liskov Substitution principle
  3. Single responsibility principle
  4. Open-Close principle


6) Façade Design Pattern is a ______________.

  1. Creational Pattern
  2. Observer Pattern
  3. Behavioral Pattern
  4. Structural Pattern


7) One of the basic requirements of a good Object-Oriented Design is ____________.

  1. High Cohesion and high coupling
  2. Low Cohesion and high coupling
  3. Low cohesion and low coupling
  4. High cohesion and low coupling


8) In order to avoid having instances changing their own classes, we have to ensure that we ___________.

  1. Destroy the old one and avoid creating a new one
  2. Destroy the old one and create a new one
  3. Destroy all the instances of a class with no addition of new instance
  4. Keep the old one and also create a new one


9) To avoid the problem of ________ simply create a new interface.

  1. ISP violation principle
  2. ASP violation principle
  3. ASI violation principle
  4. LSP violation principle


10) Classes that have ___________ interfaces are classes whose interfaces are not cohesive

  1. Slim
  2. Thick
  3. Fat
  4. Thin


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