
CS504 Quiz 2 Soluti...
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CS504 Quiz 2 Solution

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1) Performance, security and maintainability are the types of ___________ requirements.

  1. Non-functional
  2. Domain
  3. Functional
  4. Business


2) When a class get physical existence in computer memory, it is called

  1. Static Object
  2. Object
  3. Polymorphism
  4. Parent class


3) Return values in Synchronous messages are represented by:

  1. A solid line
  2. A dotted line with label
  3. Double line
  4. A solid line with label


4) In the case of ___________ intra component linkages are stronger while inter component linkages are weak.

  1. High coupling
  2. Low cohesion
  3. Low coupling
  4. High cohesion


5) In the case of action-oriented approach, data is composed according to:

  1. Object requirements
  2. Corresponding domain model
  3. Functionality requirements
  4. Compatibility with object interface


6) Which of the following is not the object model principle

  1. Abstraction
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Exposure
  4. Hierarchy or inheritance


7) In case __________ approach, decomposition of a problem resolves around data.

  1. Process-oriented
  2. Event-oriented
  3. Object-oriented
  4. Action-oriented


8) Return values in synchronous message are:

  1. Compulsory
  2. Represented by solid lines
  3. May not used when response is obvious
  4. Not used at all


9) To help separate an objects external behavior from its implementation, the technique used is called ___________

  1. Association
  2. Abstraction
  3. Generalization
  4. Composition


10) Incase of a __________ message, the called routine that handles the message is completed before the caller resumes execution.

  1. Synchronous
  2. Asynchronous
  3. Bidirectional
  4. C only
  5. B only
  6. Both b and c
  7. A only


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