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[Solved] CS502 Quiz 2 Solved

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CS 502 Quiz # 2


1) In quick sort algorithm, we choose pivot _____________

  1. Greater than 5
  2. Randomly
  3. Less than 5
  4. Always the smallest element


2) We can use the ____________ property to devise a recursive formation of the edit distance problem.

  1. Algorithmic
  2. Real
  3. Small substructure
  4. Optimal substructure


3) Selection sort is a _________ sorting algorithm.

  1. Stable
  2. Not In-Place
  3. In-partition
  4. In-Place


4) Dynamic Programming algorithms often use some kind of __________ to store the results of intermediate sub-problems.

  1. Loop
  2. Variable
  3. Table
  4. Stack


5) Suppose we have 4 matrices A, B, C, D. What is correct expansion of m [1,2] in chain matrix multiplication

  1. m [1, 2] = m [1, 2] + m [1, 2] + P0. P1. P2
  2. m [1, 2] = m [1, 1] + m [2, 2] + P0. P1. P2
  3. m [1, 2] = m [1, 2] + m [2, 2] + P0. P1. P2
  4. m [1, 2] = m [1, 1] + m [2, 2] + P0. P1. P2


6) In chain matrix multiplication, if there are n items, there are _________ ways in which outer most pair of parentheses can placed

  1. n+1
  2. 2n
  3. N-1
  4. N^2


7) In Fibonacci Sequence, each term is calculated by ___________ previous __________ terms.

  1. Adding, Three
  2. Multiplying, Two
  3. Subtracting, Two
  4. Adding, Two


8) Insertion sort is a ___________ sorting algorithm.

  1. In-place
  2. Not In-Place
  3. In-partition
  4. Unstable


9) If there are Θ ( ) entries in edit distance matrix then the total running time is:

  1. Θ (1)
  2. Θ (n log n)
  3. Θ ( )
  4. Θ (


10) Consider two matrices A and B, where A is 10*30 and B is 30*40. What is correct number of multiplications requiring to multiply A and B

  1. 10*30*40
  2. 30*40
  3. 10*30
  4. 30*30


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