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CS411 Quiz 2 Solved

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CS411 Quiz 2 Solution


1) Which one of the following is the built-in transform function in WPF

  1. Left move
  2. Query transform
  3. Top transform
  4. Matrix transform


2) How can you specify null property in markup extension

  1. : null:
  2. {x:null}
  3. (null)
  4. [x:null]


3) When elements in XAML overlaps, in that scenario which technique is used to decide which element should come at the to of other element

  1. Scaling
  2. Alignment
  3. Rotate
  4. Z-order


4) In context of XAML child element rules, if the child is plain text and a type of converter exists to transform the child into the parent type (and no properties are set on the parent element), treat the child as the input to type converter and use the output as the ______.

  1. Child object instance
  2. Parent object instance
  3. Interface object instance
  4. None of these


5) ___________ property value is used to set width and height of element in WPF according to its content.

  1. Tree
  2. Nan
  3. X:class
  4. Name


6) Be default, there will be __________ number of columns if we do not mention any column definition in grids.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. None


7) Is Shared Size Scape shares size information in _________ grids.

  1. Multiple
  2. Single
  3. Both 1 & 2
  4. Double


8) In WPF, ____________ library is used for scrolling.

  1. System.Windows. Controlls.ScrollViewer
  2. System.Windows.Controlls.Scrolls
  3. System.Windows.Controls.Viewers
  4. System.Media.ScrollViewer


9) Grid act as a stack panel if it has ___________

  1. 1 row and auto size column
  2. 1 column and auto size row
  3. Multiple rows and single columns
  4. Single row and multiple columns


10) In WPF, __________ uses(s) the method to add additional data with the sealed class object.

  1. Class
  2. Tree structure
  3. xmlns
  4. Dependency properties



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