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CS402 Quiz 2 Solved

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CS402 Quiz 2 Solution


1) If we have input 11001011 and the machine generates the 001101000 as an output, then that machine will be called

  1. Mealy machine
  2. Incrementing machine
  3. Complementing machine
  4. Moore machine


2) In Moore machine, if the length of input string is 9, then length of output string will be:

  1. 10
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9


3) Let FA3 be an FA corresponding to FA1FA2, then the final state of FA3 must correspond to the final state of

  1. FA1 or FA2
  2. FA1 only
  3. FA1 and FA2
  4. FA2 only


4) 1’s complement for 011001 will be:

  1. 10111
  2. 00100
  3. 00000
  4. 10010


5) FA and ________ are same except that ______ has unique symbol for each transition.

  1. FA, TG
  2. GTG, NFA
  3. NFA, TG
  4. NFA, FA


6) An ______ can be considered to be an intermediate structure between Finite automaton and Transition Graph.

  1. RE
  2. NFA
  3. GTG
  4. None of the given options


7) In the context, of make NFA for the concatenation of FA1 and FA2 (Both FAs accepting null string), which of the following option is correct>

  1. FA2 having final state only
  2. Initial states in both FAs
  3. Final states in both FAs
  4. FA2 having initial state only


8) Dead states are defined as:

  1. A dead state is non final state of a DFA whose transition on every input symbol terminates on itself
  2. It is non-distinguishable state
  3. No such state exists
  4. None of the given


9) In the context of make NFA for the concatenation of FA1 and FA2 (FA2 accepting null string), which of the following option is correct

  1. Final state in both FAs
  2. FA2 having final state only
  3. FA2 having initial state only
  4. Initial states in both FAs


10) If FA1 corresponds to (a + b) * then FA1 must accepted ________string/strings.

  1. Even length
  2. Every
  3. No
  4. Odd length


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