
CS401 Quiz 2 Soluti...
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CS401 Quiz 2 Solution

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CS401 Quiz 2 Solved


1) EBCDIC, grey code, and ASCII are the standards for __________ representation of characters.

  1. Numeric
  2. Alpha-numeric
  3. Generic
  4. Alphabetic


2) If AX=00FF, then which of the following instruction can be used to change the value of AX to FF00

  1. XOR AX, AX
  2. AND AX, FF00
  3. NOT AX
  4. OR AX, AX


3) Shift logical Right (SHR) moves all the bits one position to the _________ and inserts a zero from the ____________.

  1. Left, left
  2. Left, right
  3. Right, left
  4. Right, right


4) Which bit of the attribute byte represents the red component of foreground color

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 5


5) Which of the following bit is dropped into the carry flag after the execution of “Shift Logical Right” operation

  1. 0 bit
  2. Left most bit
  3. Right most bit
  4. 1 bit


6) ___________ can also be used as a masking operation to convert selection bits.

  1. OR
  2. AND
  3. XOR
  4. NOT


7) What is the content of stack pointer

  1. Address of the lower element of the stack
  2. Address of the next instruction
  3. Address of the current instruction
  4. Address of the top element of the stack


8) For jump is not position relative rather _______.

  1. Indirect
  2. Memory dependent
  3. Temporary
  4. Absolute


9) In MUL instruction, if the source operand is a byte, then the result is returned in _______ and _______.

  1. AH, AL
  2. AH, AX
  3. AL, AX
  4. BH, BL


10) Which of the following are the two variants of STOS instruction

  1. STOS1 and STOS2
  2. STOSA and STOSB
  3. STOS and STOSES
  4. STOSB and STOSW


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