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PSY406 Educational Psychology Quiz 1 Solution

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This Topic Provides Solved PSY406 Quiz 1 Solution to Easily Prepare Online Quizzes test or Exams.



1) Which part of the brain deals with spatial and visual processing>

  1. Left hemisphere
  2. Frontal hemisphere
  3. Right hemisphere ✓ 
  4. Parietal hemisphere


2) All tries to remain honest because he believes that misreporting can result in punishment. This is an example of which of the following level of morality>

  1. Pre-conventional ✓
  2. Conventional
  3. Ultra-conventional
  4. Post conventional


3) According to Piaget, self – talk can also be named as:

  1. Animation
  2. Centration
  3. Egocentric Speech ✓
  4. Bilingualism


4) During _______ oriented stage, a child’s moral development is determined by social standards.

  1. Social approval ✓
  2. Social support
  3. Social contract
  4. Universal ethical principle


5) “Society plays a pivotal role in the development of children.” This view has been given by:

  1. Vygotsky ✓
  2. Freud
  3. Maslow
  4. Piaget


6) Which of the following theory is given by Vygotsky which emphasized on the role of environment in child development

  1. Socioeconomic theory
  2. Psychophysical theory
  3. Psychosocial theory
  4. Sociocultural theory ✓


7) Which of the following stage, starts from birth and continuous till two years of age

  1. Preoperational Stage
  2. Sensorimotor Stage ✓
  3. Concrete Operational Stage
  4. Formal Operational Stage


8) All of the following are characteristics of a good teacher EXCEPT:

  1. Good listener
  2. Knowledge of students’ family members ✓
  3. Knows various teaching strategies
  4. Motivator


9) Who proposed the eight stages of psychosocial development

  1. Sigmund Freud
  2. Erik Erickson ✓
  3. F. Skinner
  4. Ivan Pavlov


10) Identify the age range for the industry versus inferiority stage.

  1. 2 to 6 years
  2. 12 to 14 years
  3. 2 to 4 years
  4. 6 to 12 years ✓


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