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Object Oriented Programming Mutiple Choice Questions and Answers

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In this Topic, We Provide the Latest Object Oriented Programing MCQs with Answers to Easily Prepare for your Online Test or Exams and Improve your Knowledge and Learning Skills.



1) Howe many objects are involved in the binary association

  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2


2) In generalization, general class represents the _____________ behavior of the classes.

  1. Specific
  2. Different
  3. Common
  4. Accurate


3) We can allocate dynamic memory in C++ through ____________ operator

  1. New
  2. Global
  3. Static
  4. Const


4) Object orientation approach can be achieved using objects and their _____________.

  1. Interactions
  2. Models
  3. None
  4. Attributes


5) Which of the following is true about Polymorphism

  1. It is powerful tool to develop reusable systems
  2. It is a powerful tool to develop flexible systems.
  3. It is feature of Object-Oriented Programming
  4. All of the given options


6) A relationship in which one class object gets destroyed if the other class objects is destroyed

  1. Aggregation
  2. Composition
  3. Association
  4. Inheritance


7) In OOP, we can achieve reusability through _________

  1. Inheritance
  2. Aggregation
  3. Encapsulation
  4. Association


8) Specialization means that derived class is behaviorally________ with the base class

  1. Compatibility
  2. Same
  3. Different
  4. Incompatibility


9) The technique in which we visualize our programming problems according to real life’s problem is called ______________

  1. Sequential programming
  2. Object oriented programming
  3. Structure programming
  4. Procedural programming


10) In _____________ sender of a message does not need to know exact class of the receiver.

  1. Aggregation
  2. Composition
  3. Encapsulation
  4. None of the given options


11) Which of the following is TRUE about class

  1. It is a mechanism in C++ to realize objects in a program
  2. It is concrete implementation of object in C++
  3. It is used to create new type in C++ according to our requirement
  4. All of the given options


12) Identify the common attributes of the given scenario:

  1. Color, Vertices
  2. Color, Angle
  3. Verities, Radius
  4. Vertices, Radius


13) Which of the following is the part of the class in UML diagram

  1. Class Name
  2. Attributes
  3. Behaviors
  4. All of the given options


14) Entities in 00 model are represented by:

  1. Rectangle
  2. Circle
  3. Lines
  4. Square


15) Which of the following is TRUE about Destructor

  1. It is used to perfume house keeping operations
  2. It is used to free memory that is allocated through dynamic allocation
  3. Free memory allocated using new operator by over self in destructor
  4. All of the given option


16) Subtyping means that derived class is behaviorally _______________ with the base class.

  1. Incompatible
  2. Compatible
  3. Different
  4. Same


17) Which of the following classes are used by Amphibious vehicle to inherit characteristics

  1. Both land and water Vehicle
  2. Water Vehicle
  3. Land Vehicle
  4. None of the given option



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