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CS201P Final Term Past Papers

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CS201p Finalterm Paper 2023 No 1


MCQS 20Totaly from handouts

Question 1

Important points about

Variable in C++.

Answer:page 16

Question 2

Write a program that print the sum of 1 to 1000 odd numbers using while loop

Answer:page 48

Question 3 error correct karnay thay

Answer:page 382 and 383

Question 4 program ke output find Karni the two dimensional array ka tha program



CS201p Current Paper 2023 Finalterm No 2


MCQs from handout

Subjective 4 questions

Q1.write output from this code


Using namespace std;

Int num1= 34, int num2 = 45 int= num3 = 46

If(num1 >num2&& num 1>num3)

Cout<<number 1 is greater ;

Else if (num 2 >num1 && num2>num3

Cout<< number 2 is greater;

Else if (num3>num1 & num3 >num2)

Cout<<number 3 is greater;


Cout<<All number are equal;

Q2.write output in this code

Intnum1=4,num2=5,fact 1= 1 fact2= 1

While (num1>1)


Fact1= fact 1*num1;

Num1 = num 1-1;


Cout<< the function of number 1 is <<fact 1<<endl;


Fact2= fact2*num2;

Num1 = num 2-1;


Cout<< the function of number 2is <<fact 2<<endl;

If(fact >fact2)

Cout<<the factorial of number 1 is greater than 2

Cout<<the factorial of number 2 is greater than 1


Q3.write output

Template <classT>

Class first {


First ()



First ()



Template <class u>

Class second {




Second ()




Q4. Write max 2 int program.


Allah sbko kamiyab kry duaon Mai yad rahky ga



I wish you very best of luck all


CS201p Finalterm Paper 2023


Paper asan tha kafi(as compare to CS201)

20 mcqs (was very easy and from lab quizzes)

5 descriptive questions (5 marks each)

Descriptive b kafi asan thy...2 ki output btani thi(both from classes) aur 1 theory wala tha( file handling se related) aur 1 code likhna tha (while loop wala)


CS201p Paper 2023



1.overload function square for integer and float data type. The overload function will take a single arguments square.

2.write program find sum odd number 1 to 1000 by using while loop.

3.write program print matrix shape element[2][2] by using class Matric.

4.write output (sum l books different Marks and find average and average compared by using if-esle statement)

4*(Marks 5)=20

Total marks 40


cs201p long questions

  1. #include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class T,int max>

int arrayMax(T arr[], int n)


                int m = max;

                for(int i=0 ; i<n ; i++)


                m= arr[i];

                return m;


int main()


                int array1[]={10,20,15,12};

                int n1 = sizeof(array1)/sizeof(array1[0]);

                char array2[]={1,2,3};

                int n2 = sizeof(array2)/sizeof (array2[0]);

                cout << arrayMax < int,10000>(array1,n1)<< endl;

                cout << arrayMax < char,256>(array2,n2);

                return 0;


Output btani thi is ki

  1. 1 if or else wala aya tha code likha howa tha us ki output likhni thi easy tha
  2. or 1 if else wala aya us me nested if bhi use howa pra tha wo correct kerna tha code me mistakes thi kafii
  3. 1 question tha user kio number enter kry us no. ka cube lena tha

long question me aya tha ...code likhna tha is ka


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