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CS201 Current Paper 2023

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In this Topic, you can see and find the cs201 current paper 2023 for final term to prepare your latest and get an idea about the exam paper and pattern.


CS201 Current Paper 2023 No 1


date = 17-sep-2022


jin ma sa zyda tr 23 sa 45 lec ma sa mcqs tha


Long m coding wale th sb question 2 ki output btani thi aur baki ka code likhna tha long 23_45 wale chap m se hi th aur short m aik error wala question tha aik friendship of class or general syntax user defined  th



CS201 Current Paper 2023 Finalterm No 2



How many arguments does functions members operators functions take? And how many arguments does non-member operators functions take?



What will be the first argument for the overloading stream insertion (<<) operator and stream extraction (>>) operator?



Write the output of the following code:

void sample(int& a, int& b, int& c)


    a *= 2;

    b *= 3;

    c *= 4;


int main()


    int x=1, y=3, z=7;

    sample(x, y, z);


    return 0;




Identify and correct errors in the following code:

char *string[];


loose string;



There are errors in the following code. Identify and briefly explain each error.

class Sample:



             int year;

             int day;

             int month;


             setMonth(int x);

             setDay(int y);




Here is a Date class:

class Date



        int year;

        int day;

        int month;




        day = 1;

        month = 1;

        year = 2000;



Write a class Person, with the members char pointer name, char pointer address and an object of Date class. Also write a default constructor that should assign the members of the Person class and the Members of the Date class to a default value.



Decalre 5 integers, store the values given below and then use the setfill and setw to display the output like the following:








Write a program for an overloaded increment operator (++) with the functionality of both the pre increment and post increment!


CS201 Current Paper 2023 No 3


Mcqs all from past papers  ...just 3,4 change thy but wo ba gr book proper read ki jay to whi se ho gy....


Write the syntax or collac and mollac.

1.Write code  input a string through read() function with buffer size of 60. Also print its value.

  1. Write a program which dynamically create an array of character  type using malloc function. The size of array will ne speciafied  by used through keyboard.
  2. Convert code of gemax() function through if else condition instead of conditional operator. Also write its output.
  3. How many memroy allocated

Char msge[]= " welcome to vu";

5.input di v thi 6789 or is ko    four space  k bad print krna aisa kuch tha

  1. Ek past papers m se tha agr classA data member class B.
  2. Constructor kis ko cal krny ga
  3. Distructor kis ko. Cal...aisa e kuch.



CS201 Today Exam 


Mcqs total 40

Mostly form waqar sidhhu file and past papers

3 marks q

5 theory and program

5 marks q

5 totally program


Question 10 about in programming just

Total mark 80

9 about friend and class function only and 1 cover program into switch statement


Quiz 30+ quiz from files that are provided by mam muskan.


3 question Main code main  erorr find out kar na tha

Ak if else Ka code aya tha

Ak friend function Ka code aya tha

Ak template main say code aya tha

Ak local our global variable Ka question tha


CS201 Final Current Paper 2023

40 Mcqs


4 questions about program writing.

2 about error checking and corrections.

2 about write output.

1 template program tha int main wla code write Krna tha.

1 friend class wla code diya tha or friend class classB highlight Kiya tha or pousha tha is ka purpose.



Mcqs maximum past papers sy ay thy

Template ka code given the output likhna th.

Define unary operater also pre and post isi.. ka 1 long th pre or post declare krna thy.

. Manipulater

. Constructor

. parametrized manipulatee

.friend function

.member function


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